In an era of unprecedented environmental challenges, the healthcare industry stands as a key sector for sustainable innovation. While traditional materials like plaster remain widely used in medical applications such as injury immobilisation due to their affordability and accessibility, advancements are reshaping this landscape to prioritise both patient care and environmental impact.
At Castomize, we are transforming the casting process with reusable, heat-remouldable casts. These casts adapt to each patient’s recovery, accommodating changes such as swelling reduction and muscle atrophy, which traditionally necessitate multiple single-use casts. By eliminating this redundancy, Castomize’s solution reduces medical waste by up to 1.8 kilograms per patient, significantly cutting environmental impact while maintaining high standards of care.
Physiological changes during recovery often require new casts, increasing waste. Castomize’s remouldable technology breaks this cycle, allowing a single cast to be adjusted as healing progresses. This reduces material consumption, lowers energy use in production, and supports a more sustainable healthcare system.
Castomize’s innovative approach aims to exemplify how healthcare can embrace eco-conscious practices without compromising care. By reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting adaptability, we aim to inspire a future where healthcare supports both patients and the planet — one cast at a time.